I work as a frontend developer at . I like to build things for people and think deeply about the user interface, and how it looks, feels, behaves.


Third Year in Latvia

As I reflect on my third year in Latvia, I realize it has been an incredible adventure filled with both joy and challenges.

A Year In Review - 2023

Reflecting on the past year, 2023 brought its fair share of challenges, testing my resilience from every angle.

A Year In Review - 2022

What a year it’s been! I like to think about how my year went, what worked, what didn't, and how it would be different in the future.

Increase Productivity as a Developer

I'll share my favorite productivity tips that helped me improve the quality of my work, save time, and make time for activities.

Why Did I Quit Styled-Components for Linaria?

In terms of the API, Linaria has a lot in common with Styled Components. Linaria, on the other hand, operates in a completely different manner.

Front-End Developer SEO Handbook

If human beings don't want to engage with your concept, search engines don't want to either. SEO tips front-end developer should know.

A Year In Review - 2021

I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve sat down to write a yearly review. I’ve got a chunk of time and felt compelled, so here we are.

Using Styled-Components with Gatsby.js

Here’s my recipe to get Styled-Components working with Gatsby.js. I’ll try to cover my own way to get acquainted with this CSS in JS styling.

WFH Setup

Refining my home workspace as a front-end developer, I am sharing every aspect of this workspace and elucidating my thought process in this post.